13 March 2013

Habemus Papam

We have a new pope!

In the midst of all the excitement that rightfully surrounded the conclave and the brief time spent watching for white smoke to waft over the Vatican, there were many minor annoyances that came to my attention.  I grew a little tired of the questions about who I thought should be pope (answer:  the choice of the Holy Spirit).  I wearied of the related question of who I expected to be pope (answer:  one of the cardinals, either a front runner in the newspapers, or someone unexpected, or someone in the middle of the pack). 

Slightly more interesting at first was the question of where I thought the new pope would take the Church (answer:  along the Way of the Cross).  It grew less interesting when I realized that most who ask the question are hoping for some kind of "relaxation" or even a spontaneous reversal of the Church's teaching on some difficult issue such as contraception, gay marriage, women's ordination, decentralization of authority, etc. (answer:  have you tried protestantism?). 

The point of this post is not to be overly critical of those who have not yet received the gift to see the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church for what it is.  In fact, these minor annoyances are really a sign that the world is full of people looking for answers to the deep questions in their lives.  The Way of the Cross is not an easy path, and there are so many voices that wish to lead us all in different directions. 

My purpose is, instead, simply to celebrate the election of our new pontiff and to enjoin you to pray with me for him, that the Holy Spirit may not only allow him to infallibly preserve the Faith and moral teaching of the Church, but to be a steadfast witness to the world of the love, joy, happiness and peace that only comes from God the Father through our Lord Christ Jesus.  And if our Holy Father Pope Francis is to be such a witness, let us not forget that we are called to be witnesses too (no matter how annoyed we might get at the questions).

May Pope Francis persevere in the Gift of Humility, and inspire us all to do the same!

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